The common use of Benzene, Toluene and Xylene in the modern workplace can lull workers into a sense of complacency when it comes to the possible hazards they pose. With this online training video, workers learn the unique properties and risks posed by Benzene, Toluene and Xylene, also known as aromatic hydrocarbons, and how to properly respond to those risks. All three of the ring hydrocarbons are flammable and give off toxic fumes. Despite their prevalence and volatility, an active program of safety measures and protocols helps limit accidents involving aromatic hydrocarbons. A main part of these safety measures include proper storage measures within the workplace and proper training and equipment for workers. With a case study of proper response procedures, and a focus on items such as monitoring devices, the training video shows how first responders need to react to spills of aromatic hydrocarbons. The video shows emergency responders the proper means for cleanup and disposal of spills as well as tactics to fight fires involving aromatic hydrocarbons. Use this Video On Demand to prepare emergency response crews and employees to prevent incidents and react appropriately to accidents involving Benzene, Toluene and Xylene..